Manage Money, Live Better Take control of your finances with our all-in-one app! Track spending, analyse your financial habits, split your bills, and set goals. Achieve financial wellness and make informed choices with our top-notch Financial Management tool, Mindful Money Map.
· Mutual Funds: Easy investing for everyone. Navigate the market with our intuitive platform.
· Career Coach: Guidance for your career path, tailored for students and professionals.
· Health Pass: Get cashback on healthcare plans, ensuring peace of mind for unexpected expenses.
· Will Services: Secure your family’s future with our trusted will creation services.
· Investment: Safe and steady returns with Corporate Fixed Deposits.
· Spend-O-Meter: Keep tabs on expenses and split your bills effortlessly.
Note: Our services do not include loans and Insurance. We respect your privacy and only operate with permissions granted by you to enhance your service experience.